This picture came up in...

This picture came up in...

This picture came up in my memories, and the message is still strong, and will be for longer than our lifetimes. . Just one real nappy a day could save 1000 from landfill... for each baby 🀩. . I've occasionally used a single use 'sposie over the last 3.5 years, but I've essentially had both my girls in cloth nappies from birth. . Think how many of these would be in landfill if we hadn't? Approx 8000 😱. . I want all of our children to have a greener future. πŸ’šβ™»οΈ I'm here to help this become a reality for you too... It's really not as hard as you think! πŸ™‚πŸ‘ . . #realnappylife by Beth Farrow. I only stock nappies I know and love. Message me for advice any time. Link in bio. . . #makelaundrynotlandfill #makeclothmainstream #clothnappyfamilies #clothnappyshop #realnappyshop #disposablenappies #singleusenappies
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