Posted @withregram β€’ @<a...

😍 Posted @withregram β€’ @<a...

😍 Posted @withregram β€’ @twinkly.eyed.adventures Pop or stuff for your fluff? My littlest friend and I made a video to demo the @littlelovebum Popper and Pocket nappy. [AD] [Gifted] We were kindly gifted this and love it because: - It’s really comfy (read generous - lots of room for a squishy 15lb baby) thanks to the stretchy wings - It dries really quickly because you can take it apart - You can tailor it to your baby through your choice of inserts - either snapped to the popper or stuffed in the pocket - It fits like a disposable so good for those not used to cloth nappies - it’s really pretty 😍 = this will be our choice for nursery ☺️ To celebrate the Pocket and Popper nappy, you can get 15% off until Sunday at www.littlelovebum.com. Just use code POPPER015 at the till. Yippeeee! #littlelovebum #llb #littlelovebumlovelies #llblovelies #clothbumsforeveryone #clothbummum #clothnappies #ecofriendly #reducereuserecycle #makelaundrynotlandfill #eco #makeclothmainstream #babiesofinstagram #couldjustsquishhim #nappydemo #popperandpocket #review #nappyreview #bestclothnappy #pocket #trifold #insert #kai
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